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Mindful Eating

A 4-week research-based program designed to end the cycle of dieting

~ Liberate yourself from the dieting mentality

~ End emotional eating, overeating & binge eating

~ End Food Cravings

~ Free yourself from the obsession with food and weight

~ Cultivate a real relationship with food that is healthy and sustainable

~ Cultivate a positive body image

Let's See if this Program is for you...

  • Do you feel you don’t have self-control around food?

  • Are there certain foods that once you take a bite you cannot stop eating?

  • Do you tell yourself that you will have only one bite then end up eating the whole piece or bag, and then feel guilty and promise yourself that this would be the last time?

  • Do you feel anxious when invited to dinner because you have been "good" during the week and you are afraid that you will blow all the hard work during this dinner?

  • Do you restrict your calorie intake during the week so that you can binge on the weekends?

  • Do you fast all day on the days you are going out for dinner, so that you can eat freely?

  • Do you spend a lot of time and energy obsessing about what, when, and how much to eat, what size your body should be and should look, how much you should weigh, what clothes make you look slimmer?

  • Do you weigh yourself multiple times a day?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable with your natural body shape, or resentment towards certain body parts or you wish them to look different?

  • Do you post on social media the photos with the angles that make you look thinner? Or even photoshop them?

  • Do you eat as a response to certain emotions like boredom, loneliness, anger, sadness, fear..etc?

  • Do you eliminate entire food groups like carbs, fats, sugar, dessert and then end up overeating them at some point?

  • When you eat a certain type of food that you think you shouldn’t be eating, do you promise yourself every time that this will be the last time so you end up finishing the whole pack, pint or box?

  • Do you categorize food as good foods and bad foods, and beat yourself up when you eat from the bad food category?

  • Do you feel guilt and shame after you overeat or after eating a type of food that you think you shouldn’t be eating?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions then this course is for you. MB-EAT is created by Dr. Jean Kristeller at the University of Indiana, and backed by years of National Institute of Health (NIH) funding and research.

What if you just let yourself eat anything you want?
When nothing is off limits we free ourselves from the binge and restrict cycles

By Completing this Program you will:

  • Master the art of moderation, so that you can enjoy few bites of your favourite dessert and feel satisfied with few chips or crackers for a snack.

  • You will attend big holiday dinners without anxiety, and you can go to parties and buffets where multiple delicious foods are there, while feeling a sense of freedom that comes from knowing that you have mastered the skills of mindful eating and that you're not going to overdo it, it comes from trusting that you can eat smaller portions and yet feel more satisfied.

  • You will lose weight if that’s your intention and maintain it without feeling deprived and without missing out on everything you love about eating.

  • Free more time and energy to other important areas of your life.

  • Cultivate self compassion and love your natural body shape and size.

What you will learn in this Program:

  • The skills and tools to help you tune into your body cues of hunger, fullness, satiety, taste and preferences to know when your body tells you to eat, what to eat and when to stop eating, and maximize the pleasure from eating smaller quantities. 

  • To distinguish physical hunger from emotional hunger – and then you will learn how to handle difficult emotions other than by eating.

  • Identify what triggers you to eat – be it certain events, situations or emotions – identifying and reflecting on this knowledge help you consider what else you could do about it other than eating.

  • The tools to manage food cravings.

  • The patterns of mindless eating to help you identify those patterns in your own behavior and eating experience, and only then you can change them.

  • Basic information about nutrients and food to help you make the choices that work for you personally, and based on how your body reacts to different foods, you can make the choices that support your health and well being.

  • Tools to help you experiment with food choices, and also help support making the changes that you make sustainable.

  • Tools to cultivate self acceptance and a positive body image

Sessions Times


Sessions Dates (2023)


Sessions Structure

Weekly group sessions combining teaching, guided mindfulness practices (mindfulness meditation and mindful eating practices), group discussion and reflection using different exercises.

No experience in mindfulness or meditation is required.


To really incorporate mindfulness and mindful eating into your life, you will start practicing at home what you learn in each session, and continue to add on the new skills you will learn over the course of the program.

What you will receive

  • Recorded guided mindfulness practices for your home practice.

  • Home practice journaling sheets.

  • Inquiry sheets for each mindfulness practice.

  • Exercise practice sheets.

  • The food that you will practice with in each session






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Payment is due upon registration


Participants are expected to attend the full 4 sessions. Due to the nature of the program of being limited capacity,  missed sessions will not be refunded.


This program is an evidence-based mindfulness intervention and is not intended to replace the advice or care of a physician for the treatment of health-related disorders or conditions. While MB-EAT is considered therapeutic, it is not therapy and is not intended to treat mental health issues. Please consult with your health care professional if you are unsure whether MB-EAT is right for you.

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